Despite the word “small” being part of that title, it actually has a big impact. Aside from keeping people employed, supporting small businesses helps keep your community thriving in a number of ways.

1.) Small businesses generate 1.5 million jobs annually which account for about 64% of new jobs making them huge for economic prosperity. Now that’s no small thing.

2.) About 75% of small business owners personally donate to charities and non-profit organizations.

3.) It creates community relations amongst banks, farms, residents, other business owners, schools and community leaders.

4.) Many small businesses offer locally sourced products so the carbon footprint for packaging and transportation is reduced, making an impact on the environment.

Now while statistics are changing all the time, it’s best to take these with a grain of salt and do some research for yourself. Small businesses certainly make a big difference for local communities and may even effect things that you never realized before. Take it from me, as someone who receives a majority of their business through the local farmers markets, if it wasn’t for the amazing support from the people in my community, I would not be in business.

Author: Trenton Hunt (small business owner)

Category: Espresso


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